Interclub spelerslijst - Tennis en Padel Vlaanderen
- Seizoen: 2023
- Periode: Najaar Padel
- Categorie: PADEL GEMENGD
Nr. | Lidnummer | Naam | Klassement | Ploegnummer | Nat. |
1 | 2211354 | Cornil Louis | P700 | BE | |
2 | 0548102 | Van Den Abeele Arnaud | P700 | BE | |
3 | 2242781 | Bastin Thibaut | P500 | BE | |
4 | 2242789 | Devillé Bryan | P500 | BE | |
5 | 0071830 | D'Hondt Bart | P500 | BE | |
6 | 2198028 | D'Hondt Nathan | P500 | BE | |
7 | 2242790 | Leblanc Bastien | P500 | BE | |
8 | 2190219 | Stock Thomas | P500 | BE | |
9 | 0224706 | Wieleman Steven | P500 | BE | |
10 | 2168516 | Deriemaker Jurgen | P400 | BE | |
11 | 2212844 | De Rijcke Tom | P400 | BE | |
12 | 2171687 | Glibert Mathias | P400 | BE | |
13 | 0817663 | Hallemeesch Thomas | P400 | BE | |
14 | 2278312 | Lammens Mike | P400 | BE | |
15 | 2278199 | Provost David | P400 | BE | |
16 | 2198179 | Vallez Quentin | P400 | BE | |
17 | 0548104 | Vandenhoucke Arno | P400 | BE | |
18 | 2262277 | Van Weehaege Maxime | P400 | BE | |
19 | 0257624 | Wieleman Bart | P400 | BE | |
20 | 0010686 | Willequet Arnout | P400 | BE | |
21 | 2175343 | Zebbadi Mounir | P400 | BE | |
22 | 2163710 | Bogaert Lieven | P300 | BE | |
23 | 2029751 | Browaeys Alison | P300 | BE | |
24 | 0209262 | Christiaens Camille | P300 | BE | |
25 | 0845189 | Daems An | P300 | BE | |
26 | 2163956 | De Bruyne Steven | P300 | BE | |
27 | 2179562 | De Clercq Lieven | P300 | BE | |
28 | 2330781 | De Gauquier Laurent | P300 | BE | |
29 | 2228579 | Deventer Sven | P300 | BE | |
30 | 2177171 | De Vos Jonathan | P300 | BE | |
31 | 0884278 | Dhondt Pieter-Jan | P300 | BE | |
32 | 0216151 | Dujardin Christophe | P300 | BE | |
33 | 2164218 | Glibert Dries | P300 | BE | |
34 | 2171860 | Glorieux Tim | P300 | BE | |
35 | 0286792 | Lobbens Ellen | P300 | BE | |
36 | 2228581 | Spileers Glenn | P300 | BE | |
37 | 2171863 | Uytterhaegen Natacha | P300 | BE | |
38 | 2029992 | Van Damme Emily | P300 | BE | |
39 | 2178056 | Vermassen Ellen | P300 | BE | |
40 | 2192556 | Vlerick Gene | P300 | BE | |
41 | 2297792 | Afalli Mounir | P200 | BE | |
42 | 2272958 | Apers Matthias | P200 | BE | |
43 | 2171635 | Biancato Nicolas | P200 | BE | |
44 | 0275774 | De Couvreur Jurgen | P200 | BE | |
45 | 2278404 | De Raeve Melissa | P200 | BE | |
46 | 2243356 | Detandt Reynald | P200 | BE | |
47 | 2243324 | Deventer Christophe | P200 | BE | |
48 | 2311704 | D'Hondt-Devos Geert | P200 | BE | |
49 | 2312167 | Ghio Sophie | BE | ||
50 | 0015410 | Glorieux Nick | P200 | BE | |
51 | 2227334 | Goeminne Elies | P200 | BE | |
52 | 2167857 | Hendrickx Hans | P200 | BE | |
53 | 2179747 | Jebari Abdé | P200 | BE | |
54 | 0065236 | Kerkhove Pol | P200 | BE | |
55 | 0598173 | Kinoo Astrid | P200 | BE | |
56 | 0028481 | Laurent Patrick | P200 | BE | |
57 | 2296498 | Malrait Fabienne | P200 | BE | |
58 | 2310659 | Notebaert Peter | P200 | BE | |
59 | 2274711 | Renders Sarah | P200 | BE | |
60 | 2300866 | Stockman Nicolas | P200 | BE | |
61 | 2278527 | Tanezie Manon | P200 | FR | |
62 | 2245529 | Tom Dossche | P200 | BE | |
63 | 2278776 | Vandeghinste Leen | P200 | BE | |
64 | 2171864 | Vandekerkhove Christophe | P200 | BE | |
65 | 0242114 | Van Den Berghe Marte | P200 | BE | |
66 | 2243327 | Van Den Branden Nicolas | P200 | BE | |
67 | 2242774 | Van Den Branden Virginie | P200 | BE | |
68 | 0578774 | Vanhaesebrouck Sofie | P200 | BE | |
69 | 2247005 | Van Hyfte Frank | P200 | BE | |
70 | 2213500 | Vanwymeersch Jonas | P200 | BE | |
71 | 2310648 | Verhellen Jonathan | P200 | BE | |
72 | 2245136 | Vervondel Domien | P200 | BE | |
73 | 2265441 | Antkowiak Charlotte | BE | ||
74 | 2296145 | Arvizzigno Joachim | P100 | BE | |
75 | 2288050 | Bellemans Gilles | BE | ||
76 | 2269226 | Berbiers Sabine | P100 | BE | |
77 | 2301226 | Bijl Christa | P100 | BE | |
78 | 0744196 | Bockstal Jan | P100 | BE | |
79 | 2301665 | Callaert Ken | P100 | BE | |
80 | 2328070 | Casneuf Matteo | BE | ||
81 | 0538684 | Colle Johan | BE | ||
82 | 2164400 | De Bock Luc | P100 | BE | |
83 | 2287790 | Dekeyser Dimitri | P100 | BE | |
84 | 2287787 | Dekeyser Kevin | P100 | BE | |
85 | 2288579 | Denhaene Vincent | P100 | BE | |
86 | 2302100 | De Vlieger Lorenz | BE | ||
87 | 2300511 | Ducoli Domenico | P100 | BE | |
88 | 0571176 | Hubau Pieter | P100 | BE | |
89 | 2302099 | Labiau Kenneth | P100 | BE | |
90 | 0824796 | Lacombe Grégoire | P100 | BE | |
91 | 2310842 | Martens Eugenie | P100 | BE | |
92 | 2164234 | Marzouki Xander | P100 | BE | |
93 | 2306750 | Mastin Andy | P100 | BE | |
94 | 0294424 | Mies Christophe | P100 | BE | |
95 | 0066724 | Tant Peter | P100 | BE | |
96 | 2150781 | Vanden Broeke Thibault | P100 | BE | |
97 | 2284188 | Vanderhaeghen Philippe | P100 | BE | |
98 | 2297329 | Van Geldorp Louis | P100 | BE | |
99 | 2283071 | Vanopbroeke Robbie | P100 | BE | |
100 | 2204308 | Vermoere Vincent | P100 | BE | |
101 | 0744198 | Verwulgen Gerlinde | P100 | BE | |
102 | 2297330 | Clément Claudine | P50 | BE | |
103 | 2311164 | Deconinck Sophie | P50 | BE | |
104 | 2311165 | Detandt Muriel | P50 | BE | |
105 | 2262788 | Guelluy Daisy | P50 | BE | |
106 | 2301229 | Labie Annick | P50 | BE | |
107 | 2327074 | Lacombe Alexia | P50 | BE | |
108 | 2284565 | Marroyen Marijke | P50 | BE | |
109 | 2296546 | Vancoppenolle Brigitte | P50 | BE | |
110 | 0257678 | Vandenhole Marie-Anne | P50 | BE | |
111 | 2296144 | Vanhoecke Katty | P50 | BE | |
112 | 2278784 | Verplancken Josefien | P50 | BE | |
113 | 2301225 | Vuye Yorka | P50 | BE |
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