Interclub spelerslijst - Tennis en Padel Vlaanderen
Spelerslijst: 8183 PADEL 4U2 GENT
- Seizoen: 2024
- Periode: Voorjaar Padel
- Categorie: PADEL DAMES
Nr. | Lidnummer | Naam | Klassement | Ploegnummer | Nat. |
1 | 0807577 | Defrancq Annelore | P400 | BE | |
2 | 2115017 | Bosschem Eline | P300 | BE | |
3 | 2281117 | Buteneers Ilona | P300 | BE | |
4 | 2090310 | Buyse Marie | P300 | BE | |
5 | 2249962 | Gyselbrecht Laura | P300 | BE | |
6 | 2058085 | Holvoet Sabrina | P300 | BE | |
7 | 2294185 | Ruttens Ineke | P300 | BE | |
8 | 0755782 | Vandenhouweele Julie | P300 | BE | |
9 | 2309971 | Vandoolaeghe Sophie | P300 | BE | |
10 | 2256632 | Van Genabet Marijke | P300 | BE | |
11 | 2263088 | Van Melle Margot | P300 | BE | |
12 | 0719082 | Vermout Anouk | P300 | BE | |
13 | 2261745 | Vrijders Berdien | P300 | BE | |
14 | 0857860 | Barbion Evelien | P200 | BE | |
15 | 0791094 | Buysse Dominique | P200 | BE | |
16 | 2189793 | De Hosson Michele | P200 | BE | |
17 | 2297343 | Deijgers Jill | P200 | BE | |
18 | 0896738 | Nuytten Ann-Sophie | P200 | BE | |
19 | 2294469 | Peirens Laura | P200 | BE | |
20 | 2288042 | Schoonjans Bilitis | P200 | BE | |
21 | 2189917 | Temmerman Kathleen | P200 | BE | |
22 | 2314437 | Van Cauwenberge Lisse | P200 | BE | |
23 | 2179381 | Van Heesvelde Lenie | P200 | BE | |
24 | 2223971 | Van Schuerbeek Ilse | P200 | BE | |
25 | 0823618 | Vernaillen Neelke | P200 | BE | |
26 | 2267895 | Baillieu Nele | P100 | BE | |
27 | 0710819 | Bermyn Astrid | P100 | BE | |
28 | 2115018 | Bosschem Julie | P100 | BE | |
29 | 2243095 | Cammaert Marieke | P100 | BE | |
30 | 2311213 | Cauwberghs Valerie | P100 | BE | |
31 | 2255105 | Colpaert Inge | P100 | BE | |
32 | 2293329 | Daelemans Marie | P100 | BE | |
33 | 0020468 | De Coninck Kaatje | P100 | BE | |
34 | 2290470 | Degrande Jill | P100 | BE | |
35 | 0818547 | Hoste Helen | P100 | BE | |
36 | 0896747 | Koslowski Cato | P100 | BE | |
37 | 2290431 | Lammens Sylvie | P100 | BE | |
38 | 0584647 | Lippens Elise | P100 | BE | |
39 | 2280644 | Thys An | P100 | BE | |
40 | 0566674 | van Baarle Joelle | P100 | BE | |
41 | 2324644 | Van der Aa Lisa | P100 | BE | |
42 | 0512052 | Vanhyfte Tiene | P100 | BE | |
43 | 0897705 | Vermander Sofie | P100 | BE | |
44 | 2311159 | Bosschem Stéphanie | P50 | BE | |
45 | 2328283 | Brouckaert Silke | P50 | BE | |
46 | 2325908 | Buysse Elvier | P50 | BE | |
47 | 2340459 | Coumans Fien | P50 | BE | |
48 | 0886052 | Cousein Laurence | P50 | BE | |
49 | 2337407 | Decock Elien | P50 | BE | |
50 | 2013221 | De Cock Karine | P50 | BE | |
51 | 0055786 | De Ruyter Kathleen | P50 | BE | |
52 | 0099747 | Detailleur Marie | P50 | BE | |
53 | 2339475 | Gelade Joke | P50 | BE | |
54 | 2341709 | Hamerlinck Christine | P50 | BE | |
55 | 0895707 | Heeremans Astrid | P50 | BE | |
56 | 2325853 | Lecluyse Elise | P50 | BE | |
57 | 2276138 | Maes Josefien | P50 | BE | |
58 | 2274139 | Moesick Katrijn | P50 | BE | |
59 | 2339522 | Nelis Hilde | P50 | BE | |
60 | 2275113 | Pletinckx Nona | P50 | BE | |
61 | 2324587 | Pouillie Lise | P50 | BE | |
62 | 2286296 | Rigolle Fara | P50 | BE | |
63 | 2285115 | Rousseeuw Tine | P50 | BE | |
64 | 2142056 | Talier Fleur | P50 | BE | |
65 | 2325768 | Tousseyn Sofie | P50 | BE | |
66 | 2339577 | Van den Bossche Evi | P50 | BE | |
67 | 2232531 | Van Waes Ada | P50 | BE |
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